Yes, I am a Born-Again Christian.
Yes, I go to church.
The list goes on.
The usual questions and the same answers, plain and simple. As if there isn't anything more behind our one sentence answers. On the contrary, there is so much more behind our "Yes, I'm a Christian." And from now on, every time a person will ask me about God, I will ask that person to lunch at a nice cafe and just talk about my relationship with Him. Because the "I go to church" isn't enough and our answers shouldn't end there. My heart wants to share more, I have this burning desire to reach out to those who have never encountered God. I want others to know that I am not just a church-goer. I want others to know that He is a jealous God. I want others to know that He is in a great pursuit for the lost. It hurts me sometimes to see where some of my friends have ended up in their walk with God and live their lives as if He isn't there at all. My heart aches for the souls who are lost, who are seeking the pleasures of this world, who hate God.
I honestly don't know how to tell some of my friends who are leading lives that are not honoring God. I've even tried to break it to them gently and maybe even sugar coating it or condensing the truth that is not His word. What's even worse is I compromise my own values telling them that it's okay when it's actually not. How do I tell the people who are closest to me and the ones I love the most that God disciplines those He loves? How do I speak the truth from His word that needs to be heard when some may choose to not listen at all? How can God even use me when I have problems with talking and staying relevant? It would be easier to just live my life in peace without having to worry about anyone else, but what kind of a life would that be if I didn't share this abounding love and eternal joy with all my friends? That's something too good to not share!
So instead of focusing on the sins of others, I want to share my life and the story He has written. I want to share my hopes and dreams. I want to spend as much time as I can with those who are willing to listen and to talk about the most important things in the world.
Being a Christian is more than a label to me.
A Christian is a Christ-follower.
Going to church and reading the bible is important too but not the basis of having a relationship with Christ. We need to go to church to be rooted with God as well as with other believers. We need to read His word to be in communication and most importantly to know God. However, those things does not mean I am a Christian.
Okay, enough sharing for me on the internet. Get to know me. Send me a text or a Facebook message. Let's talk!