You were the One I've been waiting for. The Love of my heart's desire, the Joy of my salvation. Why did I have to wait when You were waiting for me all along? You are the One true Love that is perfect and abounding that has unfailingly won my fickle heart over and over. Yet, You still love me despite the countless times I have ran away looking for love in the wrong places, seeking satisfaction in the things of this temporary world. When in fact, happiness was not the need for it was the joy I have desired all along. It can never be found anywhere or in anything of this world but in the Giver of joy Himself. It is when I take delight in my Father and Savior that He restores to me the joy of my salvation. I carry on as I fervently and earnestly seek You above all else with no ulterior motive for my heart knows that it longs for the eternal. As I run to You, there my heart will be pressing on through barriers that hold me to keep me away from You. And when I fall, let it be in the arms of Your love that carries me as a father cradles his daughter to sleep.
You have won the victory in each of my battles in every season. All this time, it was never with my own strength alone but by Your power that pulled me through trials and temptations. I look to the One who is jealous for me and lavishly loves His daughter. I smile from ear to ear at the thought of just how much my Father loves me. I lift my hands as an act of surrender that yearns for His embrace. I want nothing more than the joy and the spirit of freedom.
Every day may You ever be the constant that reminds me that it is Your love. Each moment may You be in the quiet places I find myself in.
Tonight, I was beautifully reminded that it was You all along.
Restore to me the joy of your salvation and grant me a willing spirit, to sustain me. (Ps. 51:12)